Frances "Fran" Cassidy - Site Memorial Online

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Frances Cassidy
Nascido emIllinois
75 years
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Árvore Genealógica
Francis Cassidy
She will long be remembered by many for she had a life to celebrate! She was definitely a good cook. She shared that gift as a member of the Presbyterian Church being part of the bereavement committee. I also recall that she made the best candies, cookies, & pies at Christmas, & pies the year out to die for. I had her last rum cake this last spring. Every time I eat a peanut butter & jelly sandwich I think of marmalade (she loved marmalade) . When I take a bath I have a Lennox cupid with a bird container holding my bath salts that she gave me for Christmas! She enjoyed a good joke, great drink, smoking a cigarettes, good music & a good time. She was my part of Mom's social world eating out & shopping. I will miss her. a lot. Through the years I have shared times shopping fishing, picking out plants & flowers,  reading, laughter, family times during the holidays, picnics, meals, vacation times as I grew up just to name a few. 

 :(:(. She was truly an amazing woman & giving to loved ones! Do you know that no one had money for her nephew to get a class ring and she actually paid for him to have one? She also paid fopr her neices cosmotology school tuition. She supported many loved one's dream in her family through the years. I sure there  - are many examples.  I think that is a testimony to her generosity! She was ALWAYS one my most favorites. Although I hadnt seen her since May I still held her in high regard and share in your loss. I am praying for her & the whole family during this season of extreme loss. I know she  put up a good fight and has found her peace! Xoxo. I am there in thoughts & prayer. Love all of you & wishing you enough - Kathryn Fritz
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